
  • The Houses & Independent Flats

    The village green is highlighted by a speed-controlled perimeter road which provides primary access around the site. The independent dwellings are accesse from the side roads which take access from this circular route.

    This allows the houses to cluster around micro-communities of 10-15 houses. It is intended that these smaller groupings will encourage socialisation and friendships.

    The independent flats face on to the village green and have their own access roads from the circular route.

  • The Assisted Living Flats

    This block looks out over the village green providing interesting views to the residents within.

    The building accommodates 45 flats in a mix of one and two bed, together with communal lounge, dining facilities, commercial kitchen, guest suite and sun lounge.

    All two beds have an exrnal balcony and all one bed flats have a French balustrade to patio doors.

  • The Care Home

    The Care Home looks out over the village green providing interesting views for the residents.

    There will be 60 beds in the home, separated into independent units of ten beds with their own day room, dining room, quiet room, accessible bath and nurses station. Each unit will also have its own external balcony.

    Communal facilities such as cinema, hairdresser salon, visitor cafe and private dining room will be provided.


  • The Village Centre

    The village centre is located on the junction of the Elvingston House axis and the linear village green. At the centre of this space the majestic existing tree sets the quality of space.

    The tree lined driveway crosses this space and is converted into a path which leads from the space along to the walled garden and golf corse beyond. The entrance gateway connects through to the west edge of the village green and announces arrival at the community.

    The space is surrounded by the garden centre, care home, bowling green andtennis courts. The energy centre will showcase the power provision to the site and sits a short distance to the south. There will be children’s play facilities with natural materials for visiting grandchildren. The community hub sits at the junction of the Elvingston House xis and village green and contains:

    ○ Swimming pool with well-being health spa ○ Gym ○ Residents’ Shop with groceries and pharmacy ○ Cafe for light lunches, with internet access ○ Cinema/10 pin bowling/games room ○ Private dining/meeting room ○ Library ○ Sports changing rooms ○ Site facilities management

  • The Walled Garden

    The walled garden is extensive in size and capable of hosting the set-out area for the garden centre, a communal garden to encourage gardening clubs, a sensory garden for well-being, and market garden providing vegetables and fruit for the garden centre to sell and provide for the on-site catering.

    The garden centre building, with cafe and gift shop, will act ad a retail facility with external customers being encouraged. It is set off the south wall of the walled garden with a glazed roof connection bringing the high quality of the stonework into the centre interior. On the south side of the centre there is an external courtyard with provision for the cafe seating spill-out and meet-and-greet area.

    To the north of the walled garden, facing the golf practice area, a golf clubhouse is located with bar area looking out over the landscaping. It also houses a small shop. virtual golf lounge and fitness centre.

  • The Golf Practice Area

    The field to the north west of the site contains a block of 47 retirement flats, independent houses, and SUDS pong and a golf practice area. This existing setting forms an ideal site being surrounded b beautiful, mature trees.

    Is is envisaged that whilst the area I relatively small, it will be constructed and maintained to the highest quality, providing attractive leisure exercise for older golfers and a practice ground for those who might also play at the courses on the coast, to the north.

    The land contains the SUDS pond and this is used as a water feature for several of the holes.

    There will be an informal path around the perimeter to extend the perimeter walkway for the more able-bodied resident


  • Sustainability


    The community would be designed to the highest levels of sustainability with all buildings operating at passivhaus standard, with high levels of insulation and air tightness, with mechanical ventilation and heat recovery. This will allow the community to be advertised as the highest quality level in the country and will provide valuable assistance in securing planning permission.

    It is proposed that this will be a no-gas site, with all power coming from electricity, a significant amount of this being generated on -site. This will tie in with an electric vehicle strategy, powering both golf buggies for trips around the site (for resident's hire) and for mini-buses for travel to local destinations for outings, shopping, visiting relatives, business. Advances in driverless technology could provide a driverless electric shuttle constantly travelling around the site, easily called by residents, to take them to their chosen destination.

    Above all, the site provides an excellent opportunity to enhance the natural ecology of the site, particularly with ponds and wildlife habitat-rich landscape. This provides not only a highly sustainable site, but a strong planning rationale and a beautiful and attractive place for residents to stay.

  • Utilities


    The primary utility to be considered for the site is the electrical infrastructure. There are a number of overhead and buried electrical cables within the site boundary and these will need to be rerouted and all put underground to establish the quality and layout of the site.

    The energy for the site will be provided by an energy centre with the diverted supplies being routed to serve this centre via a new HV sub station. This facility will establish a sustainable energy provision for the site benefiting from the significant savings possible from diversification of the supply. The proposals are for an Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) or Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) communal heating system.

    This will support a passive construction methodology of high insulation and airtightness, whole house ventilation with heat recovery and renewables to further reduce the energy demand.

    The target would be to allow the operation of the site as a net zero development through minor offsetting of residual energy. The site may be suitable for a wind turbine (several of the local farms have turbines) and this could allow the site to be carbon negative. The open ground and ponds could also provide ground source heat supply.

  • Civil Engineering

    FLOODING: There is potential local flooding caused by existing overland flows recorded to southwest of the development. This can be resolved through SUD's techniques to contain or re-direct the existing flows.

    DRAINAGE: There are no recorded local public networks serving the existing site area. However, there may be existing private drainage networks available. The generated Foul Water from the proposed development has two options:

    1: Fall by gravity to private treatment plant prior to discharge to existing drainage channel located northeast of our development.

    2: The generated foul water to fall by gravity to pumping station and ris ing main connecting to the existing foul network at Gladsmuir Village approximately 1 .5km distance.

    Surface Water preferred discharge point for this development would be to unnamed drainage channel located northeast of our development. The surface water discharge will be required to be treated and resticted to the greenfield runoff discharge rate.

    WATER: There is a recorded 100mm diameter wate rmain serving the Granary Factory, south west of the site, providing sufficient fresh water supply and additional Fire Hydrant provision required.